min read ·
January 11, 2021

Infrastructure as Code - What to Know

Long before the software we know and love today, managing IT infrastructure was a tough challenge. Everything had to be done and configured manually to ensure everything runs smoothly. Today, technologies like cloud computing have made designing and developing IT infrastructure simpler and managing the entire system to ensure everything runs smoothly and as expected. That being said, one of the technological advances that the IT world has to enjoy is something dubbed “Infrastructure as code."If you have never heard about this term before, you are in the right place. Let us discuss exactly what this term means, and what it has to offer.

Infrastructure as Code illustration


What is "Infrastructure as Code?"

Infrastructure as code, also known as IaC, is defined as the process of managing computer data centres using files that machines can read as opposed to hardware configurations. In other words, these configuration files tell devices what to do in data centres. These files tell the machines exactly what to do, meaning that they will stick to the routine no matter what.


The problems Infrastructure as code solves 

With the definition out of the way, you may be wondering why you will need IaC at all. Isn't hardware configured to do its job good enough? It could be, but there are some advantages IaC offers that physical systems cannot.



The first advantage would come to cost. When setting up a physical system, you will have to work with professionals to handle your Infrastructure’s design and development. Hiring professionals is expensive, not to mention the equipment you will need to invest in.

IaC solves this by offering its services through what is called cloud computing. In other words, you do not have to work with in-house experts to take care of your Infrastructure, nor do you have to invest in equipment. All you need to do is subscribe to a cloud-computing service, and you gain access to all that you need to set up your business' Infrastructure.



The second advantage would be speed. As said earlier, professionals will have to set up and configure your Infrastructure. Doing so takes up a lot of time, and when you need to scale, adapting the Infrastructure takes up even more time. In other words, doing things manually is slow. With IaC, all you need is to run a script, and your needs will be satisfied. It can also be done on pretty much any phase of your project, whether it is still under development or already in production.


Finally, the third advantage is consistency. Remember, people make mistakes, and even experts make some once in a while. This is even more so if you have multiple people setting up your Infrastructure. It can lead to issues like discrepancies and inconsistencies that can hurt your business. IaC addresses this problem by automating many of the processes from a single point. No matter how often you set up your configurations, it will always be consistent.



There are many other benefits IaC has to offer to businesses, from accountability to increased efficiency. Regardless, implementing IaC can make running your business straightforward and more effective. In the long run, you will have much more time in your hands not having to configure your Infrastructure all the time and save plenty of money not having to invest in professionals to do the job for you over and over again. With files and computers taking over the job for you, all you need to do is configure those configuration files, and you are all set.


Fabric Group is an agency offering custom digital platforms to help businesses maximise their performance and overall value. If you are looking for a software development company in Australia to implement IaC, contact us today and see how we can help.


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